to the pilot
The main aim of LODZ-1 use case is to help older adults age well despite the conditions that they develop over time, improving their medication adherence.
The aim of the Lodz Pilot is to prevent the ageing population with asymptomatic chronic conditions from non-adherence to medication. From the perspective of end-users (e.g. the elderly), the key modifiable factor affecting the effectiveness of these therapies is patient adherence. Therefore, in Lodz, we will take care of patients by executing chronic treatments for asymptomatic conditions.
Target population
Ageing population with asymptomatic chronic conditions taking at least 1 prescribed drug on a daily basis.
Kronikgune is responsible for the low complexity (risk level 1) use case related to early detection and lifestyle interventions, and the moderate complexity (risk level 2) use case focused on the management of multi-chronic elderly patients and polypharmacy.
Biocruces Bizkaia coordinates the uses cases of moderate (risk level 2) and high complexity (risk level 3) that are led by specialized clinical Services from Osakidetza corresponding to Stroke, Diabetes type II and Parkinson’s Disease.
Technologies to be used
- Inline questionnaires to assess adherence to medication and the problems around executing prescribed treatments.
- Health-promotion app to promote health self-management and adherence to medication, and increase health literacy and awareness through a digital coach.
Expected impact
Improvement of medication adherence in the ageing population of asymptomatic patients.
Ongoing activities
- Deployment of adherence by improving the mobile app by the end of September 2021.