Calling all researchers – Funding for «Equality and wellbeing»

The Joint Programming Initiative More Years Better Lives (JPI MYBL) has just launched their Call for Proposals «Equality and wellbeing».

Equality and Wellbeing across Generations (EWG) is a joint transnational call for proposals. With major demographic change taking place across Europe and Canada, JPI MYBL are inviting researchers to submit proposals that explore: 

  • How demographic change is altering the implicit contract between generations?
  • How policy can ensure that change results in a reduction in inequality?

EWG consists of 11 countries (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) who have partnered to offer this funding opportunity on demographic change and inequality. More specifically, this call is focused on three aspects of inequality. Proposals may choose to focus on one, two or all three of these topics:

  1. Income and wealth
  2. Caring responsibilities
  3. Social and political participation

In addressing these topics JPI MYBL expect proposals to pay particular attention to cross-cutting issues of gender, cultural background and socio-economic background, all of which have a major bearing on inequalities. Proposals should consider the inclusion of one, two or all three of these issues in their research as an absolute requirement.

Deadline for proposals is 17:00 CEST September 14 2020. 

To learn more about the call and the full scope of our topics visit: