Attica and Central (Greece)

to the pilot

In Greece, the Gatekeeper project is taking place between 2019-2023 in Attica and Central Greece and aims at supporting active and healthy ageing of citizens through the use of new technologies (clinical platform, advanced sensors, artificial intelligence). The pilot studies are focused on the Lifestyle-related early detection and intervention for older adults at risk for Metabolic Syndrome (UC1) and Short-term predictive modelling of glycemic status for older patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (UC3).



The main objective of the intervention in the UC1 study is the lowering of waist circumference and risk factors for Metabolic Syndrome in the older adults, while secondary objectives include lifestyle changes, improvement of self-efficacy and quality of life. The objective of the intervention of the UC3 study is to provide better glycaemic control for older patients with intermediate and poor health status via AI, by reducing the risk of hyperglycaemia based on ML algorithms.

Target population

In total, there will be 1,000 volunteer participants with Metabolic Syndrome risk factors (UC1), as well as 150 participants with Type 2 Diabetes and comorbidities (UC3).

Technologies to be used

  • Clinical platform enabling a configurable, personalised shared care plan for each study participant and remote monitoring through real-time data from integrated devices, questionnaire completion, goal-setting and communication features. A different platform is provided for each use case, adapted for MetS management in UC1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management in UC3.
  • Advanced sensors (activity tracker, smart weight scale – UC1, CGM system, wrist monitor – UC3), for bio- and physiological signal collection, seamlessly integrated with the pilot clinical platform
  • Artificial Intelligence algorithms for the early prediction of MetS-related parameters, predictive modelling of sleep quality and weight management (UC1), and hypoglycemia predictive modelling (UC3)

Expected impact

The expected impact of UC1 is the lifestyle-related early detection and intervention for chronic conditions impacting MetS risk in older adults, as well as functionality and quality of life. UC3 aims at the predictive modelling of the glycemic status, the minimization of hypoglycemic events and eventually the amelioration of glycemic control.

Ongoing activities

The Greek pilot is actively recruiting participants in Central Greece (UC1 until September 2022, UC3 until May 2023), while in Attica (UC1) recruitment has been completed. The data collected so far is currently being analysed.

Pilot Site Team

Centre for Research and
Technology Hellas (CERTH)


Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
of the University of Thessaly

Harokopio University

Faculty of Medicine of the
University of Thessaly

Visualization & Virtual Reality
Group at University of Patras

University of Ioannina

BioAssist company


Attica and Central Pilot Overview