GATEKEEPER 1st Open Call – Deadline extended!

Apply now for the GATEKEEPER 1st Open Call. Extended deadline 28/02/2021

The Open Call targets mid-caps, SMEs, start-ups, universities, research and technological centres and European industry. It offers up to 600,000 EUR to fund 10 projects focusing on Artificial Intelligence & Big Data applications, tools or components to help ensure healthier independent lives for older adults.

The GATEKEEPER project is an EU-funded initiative under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Its main objective is to create a GATEKEEPER that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, elderly citizens and the communities they live in.

The proposals may address one of the following 6 challenges:

  • Dynamic API injection
  • Risks detection and timely response
  • Informal care coordination system
  • Increasing insights from HER’s unstructured data (risks prevention)
  • Robot companions against social isolation
  • Embedded ML in Smart Devices

Deadline: 28/02/2021

Project duration: 12 months

For more information: