Welcome to the 2nd blog post from the Gatekeeper project!
This is the second in a series of posts that will be written by Gatekeeper’s experts and invited thought leaders on topics such as Web of Things, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in health care, health care data federation, European Health Data spaces, ethics, data protection and trust building, pilot test sites and much more.
The second post is titled: Boosting the citizen and patient-centred approach: the Gatekeeper Puglia Pilot. It focusses on the activities being carried out in the Puglia Pilot site, including information on the target groups addressed, technologies used and expected impact.The author is Serena Mingolla, Communication Manager for the Puglia Pilot in the Gatekeeper project.
Enjoy the read and join the discussion!
(Photo courtesy of ARET Pugliapromozione)